The first 10 pages of a script

The first 10 pages of a script

Yes, it’s true that a writer might only get the opening pages of their script read — and that it will likely be put down right away if those pages don’t immediately engage the busy industry professional who has given it a chance by opening it. Most screenwriters...


I created a “beat sheet” for Bridesmaids for the folks at Save the Cat — it’s now up on their website. Which of Blake Snyder’s genres and subgenres do you think this hugely successful comedy fits?  Take a look to find...
SAVE THE CAT genres for recent movies

SAVE THE CAT genres for recent movies

I just saw trailers for five new movies which all fit clear “Save the Cat” subgenres – my favorite tool for developing viable script ideas.   I haven’t seen any of these films yet, as they haven’t been released, but these previews in each...

Blake Snyder’s “5-Step Finale”

For those of you who use the Blake Snyder Beat Sheet (which I highly recommend, and use in my script consulting), and struggle with the “Finale” section (that huge chunk of Act 3 that decides the ultimate outcome of the story) works, please note that in...