I’ll be teaching a class at this annual event on Saturday morning, June 4, in Burbank – and also will be available for private consultations there.   It’s a chance to meet with producers, agents, development executives, managers, and other industry professionals to pitch film and TV scripts… and also attend classes with people like Robert McKee, Pilar Alessandra, and Richard Walter.  More on how and why they got started here: http://www.pitchfest.com/about_us.shtml.

If you could use help in how to craft your pitch (and the “one-pager” on your script that pitchees often ask to read, before agreeing to look at the whole thing), I’m immodest enough to say that I’m very good at that!  If you’re interested in knowing more, you can comment on this post (I’ll keep all inquiries private) or send me an e-mail at Erik (at) FlyingWrestler (dot com).  We can set up  a quick call to discuss how I might assist you in putting your best foot forward…

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